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Design Sprin

What is?

The sprint design process aims to be a facilitator when evaluating whether a product idea is a good idea or not. The methodology was created by Google Venture and can be very useful to be used in internal projects of large companies, hackathons, or small projects that need a quick validation and do not have much time or resources to implement an MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

This whole process aims to be done in a period of 5 days and then to be validated with users and potential customers, before starting a sprint design it is necessary to have a product idea.

The steps for the design sprint are:

  • UNPACK: This step aims to collect opinions from everyone involved in the process about their ideas about the project.

  • SKETCH: At this stage, employees think about possible solutions regarding the problem to be solved and document all this.

  • DECIDE: In this step we filter the ideas that were thought of in the sketch and decided on a solution to be prototyped.

  • PROTOTYPE: In this step, we will prototype the solution from the previous step.

  • TEST: In this step, we validate the prototype with the possible customers and then the team meets to evaluate the feedbacks received.

Realization of Design Sprint at TCLDL

Problem definition

The idea of ​​creating a website based on the paper The computational limits of deep learning was suggested by member Gabriel Filipe, with the suggestion of the idea the group met, discussed the other ideas suggested by other members and we ended up with the idea of ​​implementing the TCLDL.


In the unpack stage, the group held a meeting where we developed our first artifact which was the brainstorm, in that meeting we used MIRO and Hangouts as a tool, in addition the dynamics consisted of all members giving ideas of possible features of the project and we leave all this noted in the crosshairs.

In addition, still in the unpack stage, we produced the 5W2H, the mind map and our argument, by clicking on the links below it is possible to analyze all the documents mentioned above.



Mind Map


At this stage, the artifacts produced aim to give us greater clarity about what our product will be, clicking on the link below you have access to the documents produced at this stage:

Rich Picture

Story Board


At this stage it was necessary to decide everything that would be in the high-fidelity prototype so we used moscow prioritization and argumentation to do this:




At this stage, in addition to using the artifacts mentioned above, other artifacts that can be found in our base documentation, we developed our high-fidelity prototype:



Finally, we validate our prototype with our possible users and collect their feedback for possible improvements in the prototype, as it has already been decided that this will be the implemented idea, we will only make the changes requested by users and we will version our prototype until it gets as close as possible to the idea that will be implemented, below we have a video of the meeting with our possible users:

Video Link 01

Video Link 02


In order for the team to reap the rewards and benefits of the sprint design methodology, some adaptations were made, as has already been said, this process aims to be done within 5 consecutive days in a very agile way, however due to the time differences between members of the team, and the impossibility of doing the whole process in 5 consecutive days the team opted to hold two weekly meetings where in each of the meetings one of the stages of the sprint design was carried out and the elaboration of the aforementioned artifacts was divided together but carried out remotely except for the brainstorm.


Document Versioning

Date Author(s) Descrição Versão
17/09/2020 Lorrany Azevedo Creating the documents 0.1
17/09/2020 Lorrany Azevedo Adding reference 0.1
25/09/2020 Mikhaelle Bueno Fix links 0.1