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Cost estimate

The calculation of the cost estimate considers three factors acquisition, personal and tool.

1.1 Acquisition cost

Equipment Amount Goal Unit value Price
Notebooks 5 unit Development and planning R$ 4.000 R$ 20.000,00
Broadband internet 4 months Development and planning R$100/month R$ 2000,00

1.2 Personal cost

Role Amount Salary/month (160h total) Salary/hour Total
Middle developer 5 R$ 4.000 R$25,00 R$ 22.500¹
Software architect, DevOps, Scrum Master e PO 5 R$ 6.500 R$40,63 R$ 36.567¹

¹ price for 5 members working 12h/week for 15 sprints week-long.

1.3 Tool cost

Tool name Goal Total price
Google Drive File share R$ 0
Text editor Creating documents and code R$ 0
GitHub Source code management and repository R$ 0
GitHub Actions Pipeline CI/CD R$ 0¹
Google domains Domain name registration service R$ 50,00
Docker Container apps R$ 0
Amazon EC2 Host cloud service R$ 0²
Amazon RDS Database cloud service R$ 0³
Amazon SES Email cloud service R$ 0⁴
Amazon Lambda Lambda function cloud service R$ 0⁵
RabbitMq Message broker R$ 0
Telegram Members comunication R$ 0

¹ price valid for 2000 minutes/month, after that will cost US$ 0.008 per minute.

² price valid for 750 hours/year, after that will cost US$ 0,0116 per hour on demand.

³ price valid for 750 hours/year, after that will cost US$ 0,017 per hour on demand.

⁴ price valid for 62000 emails sents, after that will cost US$ 0,10 for every 1000 emails sents.

⁵ price valid if have applications in ec2 and the limit is 1 million request or 400.000 gb/s in compution time, after that will cost US$0,20 at every 1 million request and US$ 0,0000166667 for every gb/s

1.4 Total cost

Cost Total value
Acquisition R$ 22.000
Personal R$ 59.067
Tools R$ 50

The total value for estimated cost is R$ 81.117,00 Considering the risks, will increase 10% of total project value, the final value for estimated cost is R$89.228,7.


Meller, Maristela Corrêa. Modelos Para Estimar Custos De Software: Estudo Comparativo Com Softwares De Pequeno Porte. 2002. Disponível em:

Document Versioning

Date Author(s) Description Version
09/05/2020 Ygor Galeno Document creation 0.1
09/06/2020 Ygor Galeno Finish document 0.2